Sunday School Director: Jennifer Miller
Sunday School
You want to grow in the Lord, for the sake of yourself, your relationships, and your family, and because you are hungering for more. More God. You want to have a close and intimate relationship with Him. And it's hard to do that when your co-workers are far from seeking the Lord or your Christian friends are satisfied with a mediocre lifestyle.
Every Sunday during Sunday School here at SBC, you can come, grow, and learn with other married couples or singles who have the same desires - to live out the purposes of God in their lives. Every day.
Sunday School classes are set up to create a group for you that you can feel comfortable in. You can share your burdens, and support others during their hard times. It's also a fun place to get together with genuine people who desire to pursue Christ.
Come join us in Sunday School this Sunday at 10:00 am. We have a Sunday School class for all ages and seasons of life. We can't wait to get to know you and your family!